Pastor and Amy BeightPastor James Beight grew up in Indiana and came to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ at the age of four. As a teen, he felt God’s call to serve in full-time ministry. While attending Cedarville College, he participated in various singing groups, missions trips, and the puppet team. He graduated from Cedarville in 1987, majoring in Pre-Seminary Bible and minoring in Biblical Greek. While serving his internship at Calvary Baptist in Lancaster, Ohio, Pastor met and married Amy Maddux. He served the next six years as associate pastor and interim pastor at Calvary Baptist in Ashland, Ohio, before being called to Madison Avenue Baptist Church in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1994. In 2009, when Madison Avenue merged with Midbrook Baptist Church in Brook Park, Ohio, Pastor Beight became the pastor of the combined ministry called Abram Creek Baptist Church. Pastor Beight is a passionate, practical expository preacher and teacher of the Word of God. He fervently loves his people and his community and serves them with all his heart. He and Amy have four children: David, Stephen, Andrew, and Sarah. Pastor Beight enjoys an occasional round of golf and spending time with family and friends.own words