Exciting News!
Beginning March 21 we will offer limited children’s classes on Sunday mornings during the 10:30 service.
PLEASE READ! there are some changes.
Children’s Church for grades K-6 will be dismissed from morning service before the sermon as in the past. No reservations are required for this age group.
PRE-K class for children 3 years old through Pre-Kindergarten will be limited to five children each week with one teacher. We are asking that you please follow the reservation process listed below for each service your child will be attending.
NURSERY for children under 3 will be limited to three children each week with one teacher. We are asking that you please follow the reservation process below for each service your child will be attending.
RESERVATIONS: Please text Amy Ballinger at 216-337-2389 to reserve a spot for your child for the date they will be attending. If they do not have a spot reserved and they are at church, you may check that classroom and see if there is an opening for that day, but we will be strictly observing our limits at this time.
We are sorry for any inconvenience the reservation process may cause, but we need to keep everyone as safe as possible and we only have a select amount of workers at this time. We are hoping to expand classes as the need arises and as more volunteers are available.
Thank you for your patience as we try to provide classes for your children once again.
Please see or call Amy Ballinger with any questions or concerns.
PRE-K class for children 3 years old through Pre-Kindergarten will be limited to five children each week with one teacher. We are asking that you please follow the reservation process listed below for each service your child will be attending.
NURSERY for children under 3 will be limited to three children each week with one teacher. We are asking that you please follow the reservation process below for each service your child will be attending.
RESERVATIONS: Please text Amy Ballinger at 216-337-2389 to reserve a spot for your child for the date they will be attending. If they do not have a spot reserved and they are at church, you may check that classroom and see if there is an opening for that day, but we will be strictly observing our limits at this time.
We are sorry for any inconvenience the reservation process may cause, but we need to keep everyone as safe as possible and we only have a select amount of workers at this time. We are hoping to expand classes as the need arises and as more volunteers are available.
Thank you for your patience as we try to provide classes for your children once again.
Please see or call Amy Ballinger with any questions or concerns.